Wednesday, January 11, 2023

ChatGPT VS Creativity

ChatGPT VS Creativity

ChatGPT and its predecessor InstructGPT from the OpenAI model in time I believe will make it difficult to produce creative work over the course of years. Of course this is not the indented use of the ChatGPT. With over 1 million users in the opening week, ChatGPT has the potential interest to be a contender that has other similar Chat bot engines a run for their money. I am no stranger to having used other chatbot models like Google's DialogFlow in a test environment.

What is OpenAI model and its intended audience?

So just what is OpenAI and ChatGPT? OpenAI is an open source artificial intelligence model the can be used to develop software in many different applications. Through machine learning it can learn from human interaction as a collective mass to gain intelligence adding on to its base.

Recently, Microsoft put a bid out to buy the open source model for use with their search engine Bing in rivaling Google and other search engines for a race to the top as most used search engine with a pretty sweet deal. 

Google is also working on a similar such bot for years in its search engine in response using LaMDA. A neural network architecture for processing natural language or a mouth full. I think both of these technologies are great in assisting users get to reference materials/documents conveniently and it improves the quality of search results returned from the original query.

What exactly is ChatGPT model?

The purpose of ChatGPT based off GPT models was to be used to automate chatbots intelligently and with more human like responses. By the use of Reinforced Learning from Human Feedback or RLHF as they call it, the model can take advantage of safe and useful feedback from the artificial general intelligence (AGI) as opposed to earlier releases of the GPT model. 

There are many cases where one could use the model from figuring out simple word problems to more complex algorithms. Coding and telling you directions on how to get somewhere, to pulling intellect not before seen in an artificial source. Although still has room to grow, the ChatGPT model does a good use of its AI ingenuity.

Back to the chat on this bot. 

ChatGPT not only has the building blocks of making it seem the cultures of learning a thing of the past but might also make, a future of education questionable from the younger generations perspective. Don't get me wrong, I'm pro-technology advancement and pro-AI usage up to a certain point. I invest in it and stand by my investment. I get excited about new technology when I read/hear about it but in this case I have to voice my concerns. In general, I believe in AI assisting human development in machines and such as its use in robotics and modernization for:

  • Manufacturing
  • Industrial equipment
  • Pharmaceutical drug manufacturing
  • Space exploration
  • Aeronautics
  • Animatronics
  • Certain security products 
  • Enhance web applications
  • IoT devices
  • Phones
  • Applications for accessibility 
  • and more
Proper application in places where a normal human would be more injury prone or what not. However, when you are talking about mass releases of ChatGPT or similar natural language models which can produce works of human and artificial intelligence inseparable; intime, available to students, in my opinion, the quality of human works can suffer overtime as the AI enhances its intelligence, taking on and exceed a humans mind as a collective reference source. What's to say that this population will not see the value of learning the traditional route when an AI can do the work for them. Basically, a God power amongst men or students for this matter.  I used to cheat on my homework also guys. 

Why do I care? I don't even have children nor do I have a dog, cat or pet for the matter but what I do have are nieces and nephews running around all over the place like ants. To rob them of the opportunity of their creative spark and pushing the envelop further, its just not my cup of tea exactly. I wouldn't have that cup at all. In retrospect, I know that many tend to find other sources of education whether it be from job experience, self taught skills, book smarts and that's completely ok and valid. There were many CEOs who did not complete their schooling because they felt passionate about an idea that drove them to produce millions if not billions of dollars in equity...ahh Capitalism. 

Students need to be challenged and taught to use that creativity to their advantage; Capitalism 101, or do they teach that in schools anymore...oh wait may be the AI can help me. All jokes aside, this article was produced to make people aware of the concerns that ChatGPT model has on our most vulnerable resources and our future in our youth.

There are many use cases where the OpenAI can be used with the limits only being at humans imagination but if we do not think of the long term impact other than short term rewards I see major set backs on human development in our eventual future. If we are not responsible towards our future then our future will have the same output.

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